
Throughout the development process, the quality of our products is our main focus. That’s why we test all our samples to the core. We believe that excellent performance of our solid bars will add a spark of joy and happiness each day: caring for skin and nature.


In all the things we do - designing, formulating, pricing and quality - we strive to be open, transparent and trustworthy. This means we spread information and knowledge about our products, but will also give our opinion, when asked, with a touch of Dutch straightforwardness. In partnerships, we think it's important to really make contact, to laugh at each other's jokes, to shake hands and look each other in the eye (even if it's through a video call).


Passion - It’s our gut feeling, our passion for sustainable cosmetics and the positive energy within the company that brought us on this path. It’s an addictive flow that opens ways to new ideas and attracts new techniques, companies and customers. We would love you to join us in this journey.